There are a couple of problems with trading individual stocks on any country’s markets. The major one is that unlike Forex where the market is open 24 hours per day, the stocks are only open for 8 hours during that country’s trading session. Because of this, there are huge gaps all over the daily price action charts where price is not simply flowing into the next session. Instead, a stock’s price is regularly opening a lot higher or lower than where price closed the previous day.
This makes it near impossible to trade the daily charts because way too often, you would be stopped out with these gaps. The only other way to use price action would be to trade intraday or the smaller time frames, but the issue with this is that stocks just do not have the liquidity or the volatility. In other words, they just do not have enough money being traded in them and they do not move enough each day.
Checkout the lesson; Stocks vs Forex.
Lastly, unlike Forex and other futures markets like the commodities, such as oil, wheat, etc. where we can get really good leverage, they are really cheap to trade. Stocks are more expensive and unless you trade CFD’s, there is no margin. In other words, you have to pay the whole 100% of the position. You can trade CFD’s, but that involves more fees.
So, you can trade stocks, but there are far better markets to trade on the short term than stocks, and if you were looking to trade this way because you can’t trade Forex, you are better off looking at stock indices. This is because stock indices trade almost 24 hours per day, they come with good margin, they are super cheap to trade, and they come on MT4 with New York close charts.